Life’s a GrowUp


Day 14! I made it!!

I had no idea what I was going to do for today’s collage until I realized it was going to be a sculpture!

I mean why the heck not???

It just highlights life’s tendency to get 3-D. The cumulative learning pushes us up, and out.
That’s growth in a nut-shell.
We’re always Becoming.
It doesn’t matter what we look like or even feel like, we are in creative-evolution.
We walk a little straighter, we think a little deeper, we innovate, we care differently, we help each other and we create.
Even when we don’t want to change, we are. There’s no choice!
The base camp of BEING is experiencing real beauty, the kind that shows, from the roots-up.

I think of my life as a sculpture like this tree.
I’m a solid framework of growth experiences that capture extraordinary reaches, unfolding moments and bud-to-bloom surprises.
A strong matrix of faith holds me in any circumstance, and stirs me with Spirit winds.
I can count on this framework to protect and provide what I need.
This is trust!
No wonder I feel at home within myself!

Over the past 14 days, I’ve discovered
a way of life that fits me very well. I WakeUp, create my life and share the experience.
The seeds that were planted in and around me long ago are starting to grow!!!

So cuuuuute and fresh!

I’m pretty sure what’s happening now is a direct consequence of the 4-D art of believing.
I believe I have a purpose.
I’m really enjoying living in my values and congruent with my nature.
Tomorrow I start my new job. I’m looking forward to a new work experience and we’ll see how I can knit the things I’ve learned into
West of the Moon and East of the Sun.
I will find a way to wear freedom as a crown and carry on with my blogging, because it was FUN!
I’m sure that one day I will be able to
look back and say “this is progress!”
Thanks for sharing this part of my journey!
The WakeUp Artist


2 thoughts on “Life’s a GrowUp

  1. Hi Shelly! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I decided today to come and take a look at yours, and I like what I see, so I’ve followed! Looking forward to seeing more of your exciting collage work! 🙂

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